Women's Development Cell

The Women Empowerment Cell (WEC) at GCET is a vital cornerstone of our commitment to fostering an environment where every woman can thrive and excel. It serves as a platform for raising awareness about gender issues, challenging stereotypes, and dismantling barriers that hinder the progress of women. Through a variety of initiatives such as seminars, workshops, and expert talks, the WEC strives to foster a culture of respect, support, and empowerment, where women feel valued, heard, and empowered to become agents of positive change.

Earlier the cell went by the name Women Development Cell which was planted as a seed, destined to blossom confidence in every female on the campus. Established in 2008, under the guidance of Dr. Khadeeja Priyan, Dr. Tejal Patel, the Late Dr. Ila Jha, Dr. Miral Patel, and Dr. Krupal Parikh, the cell is now recognized as the Women Empowerment Cell and is currently led by Dr. Maulika Patel. Through its tireless efforts and unwavering dedication, the WEC inspires women to forge their path toward a brighter and more equitable future.

The WEC will aim to continue to be a beacon of strength, unity, and progress for generations of empowered leaders to come.